Thursday, September 23, 2004

Two good things...

First: We won third place at the AB Pautakan a while ago!
Me, Bdet, Ace, Leah, and Jade each got a bronze medal for the group category. Ace got a silver in the individuals category earlier this morning.

I dedicate this honor, though small, to the UST Journalism Society!
And us too! :) And my parents and my blah blah blah blah...

Second: The name of Doreen Meyers appeared in my email. But it wasnt from her. It's from another Peace Corps Volunteer named Christopher who was in Mayoyao, Ifugao from 1980-1982.
I was surprised to see her name! I thought that I've finaly contacted since we last met about two years ago. I really wish I can have her email atleast.

Doreen, if you, or anybody who knows her, ever read this please leave a message at the 'comments' just right below this.


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